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- 1. Vatican efforts towards New Evangelization? October 18, 2010
- 2. The Future Roman Catholic Church. Global Tales from the 21st Century November 18, 2010
- 3. Papa dixit. The recent interview with Benedict XVI December 6, 2010
- 4. Word of the Lord and/or Word of the Church? The Bible in a recent papal pronouncement January 10, 2011
- 5. A mystical view of Purgatory? On a recent catechesis by Benedict XVI January 28, 2011
- 6. The blessed John Paul II. A Christ-centered legacy? February 7, 2011
- 7. The Pauline Year. A More Pauline Church? February 21, 2011
- 9. The New Evangelization at the 2012 Synod of Bishops March 11, 2011
- 10. Jesus of Nazareth according to Benedict XVI March 21, 2011
- 11. “The Courtyard of the Gentiles”, a Response to Atheism March 28, 2011
- 12. Marian devotion and John Paul II. Tales from a will-be beatification April 11, 2011
- 13. John Paul II beatus. Chronicles of a distant observer May 14, 2011
- 14. Reform-in-continuity? Vatican II and the Roman Catholic Church May 24, 2011
- 15. Sex and the Vatican. Only a moral issue? May 30, 2011
- 16. How big is the Roman Catholic Church? On numbers and statistics June 16, 2011
- 17. Between Corpus domini and Eucharistic adoration July 1, 2011
- 18. Towards the World Youth Day in Madrid July 9, 2011
- 19. Beyond the Reformation in 2017? September 7, 2011
- 20. Engaging in dialogue with Roman Catholic theologians. September 26, 2011
- 21. After Luther what? Benedict XVI on new forms of Christianity and secularization October 3, 2011
- 22. The “spirit” of Assisi 2011 October 19, 2011
- 23. A Year of Faith to commemorate Vatican II and to launch the New Evangelization November 3, 2011
- 24. The Vatican and the New Strategy for Impacting the Biotech World November 14, 2011
- 25. The Vatican and the claims of Photoshop November 19, 2011
- 26. Africa, a Continent without Evangelicals November 30, 2011
- 27. “Ecumenism is like a flight”. Cardinal Koch and the current state of ecumenism December 19, 2011
- 28. Happy New Year and welcome home, Anglo-Catholics! January 7, 2012
- 29. The State of the World according to Benedict XVI January 16, 2012
- 30. Ecumenism between Dangerous Pitfalls and Real Issues January 28, 2012
- 31. The New Evangelization and Its Silences February 7, 2012
- 32. New Cardinals for the next Conclave February 20, 2012
- 33. Scripture and Tradition in Today’s Roman Catholic Theology March 13, 2012
- 34. A Vatican Exhibition on the History of the Bible, with Some Blind Spots March 26, 2012
- 35. Next Stop, Rio de Janeiro April 7, 2012
- 36. Happy Birthday, Pope Ratzinger! April 27, 2012
- 37. The Catholic Church in its Essence, Reality and Mission May 7, 2012
- 38. May, Marian Month May 15, 2012
- 39. What has the Family to do with Indulgences? May 28, 2012
- 40. The Vatican, a Nest of Crows? June 6, 2012
- 41. A Working Tool for the New Evangelization June 27, 2012
- 42. Why do People Leave the Catholic Church? July 18, 2012
- 43. God is Near, Mary is Very Near. Benedict XVI on the Dogma of Mary’s Assumption August 21, 2012
- 44. Not an Anti-Pope but an Ante-Pope. Cardinal Martini (1927-2012) and the Dynamics of Present-Day Roman Catholicism September 3, 2012
- 45. What Happened at Vatican II? September 24, 2012
- 46. At the Beginning of the Year of Faith, Marian Devotion and Indulgences October 8, 2012
- 47. “What is New and What is Old”. The Propositions of the Synod for the New Evangelization October 31, 2012
- 48. The Link Between Faith and History. The Infancy Narratives according to Benedict XVI November 30, 2012
- 49. How Visible Should Christian Unity Be? December 12, 2012
- 50. A Provision to Become Roman-and-Lutheran Catholics? January 31, 2013
- 51. The Last Lectio of Benedict XVI (before his resignation) February 12, 2013
- 52. Marks of a Pontificate February 25, 2013
- 53. Papabili. A Short Guide Waiting for the Conclave March 4, 2013
- 54. The Three Tasks of Pope Francis March 18, 2013
- 55. A Papal Honeymoon … Until When? March 21, 2013
- 56. Left Without Words. How Roman Catholicism is Reshaping the Evangelical Vocabulary April 1, 2013
- 57. “The Word of God Precedes and Exceeds the Bible”. April 15, 2013
- 58. Hurrah to Madonna. Pope Francis and the Re-Marianization of the Papacy May 10, 2013
- 59. Not By Improvisation Alone. The Vatican at the Venice Biennale June 1, 2013
- 60. 100 Days with Pope Francis June 22, 2013
- 61. Lumen Fidei. The First Encyclical by Pope Francis July 8, 2013
- 62. A Church with Two Popes July 22, 2013
- 63. Same Word, Different World. The Roman Catholic Doctrine of Regeneration August 2, 2013
- 64. Between Trent and Aparecida. The Trajectory of Pope Francis August 26, 2013
- 65. The Pope Francis’ dogma: “God is present in every person’s life” September 20, 2013
- 66. Towards a Politically Correct Apologetics? October 3, 2013
- 67. The World Entrusted to Mary. Why? October 16, 2013
- 68. 2017: From Conflict to Communion? November 15, 2013
- 69. The Joy of the Gospel: A Window into Francis’ Vision December 2, 2013
- 70. Trent, 450 Years Later December 16, 2013
- 71. Ecumenism of Blood December 20, 2013
- 72. Secular Perceptions of Pope Francis January 6, 2014
- 73. Restoring Full and Visible Unity? January 29, 2014
- 74. The UN, the Vatican, and their Political and Theological Abuses February 14, 2014
- 75. Liberation Theology, the Prodigal Daughter February 28, 2014
- 76. The Catholicity of Pope Francis March 9, 2014
- 77. Where is the Catholic Marriage Going? March 21, 2014
- 78. The New Saints and Pope Francis April 5, 2014
- 79. Peter Didn’t Have a Bank, Did He? April 15, 2014
- 80. “Without Mary the Heart is an Orphan”. Another Instance of Francis’ Marianism May 16, 2014
- 81. “Not a School of Samba”. Francis and the Catholic Charismatic Movement June 9, 2014
- 82. A Mini-Assisi for the Holy Land? June 17, 2014
- 83. What Francis Really Thinks of the Reformation (and of Calvin in Particular) June 23, 2014
- 84. Roman Catholic Ecumenism: Let the Italian Evangelicals Speak July 23, 2014
- 85. Francis’ Apology To Pentecostals In Search of Significance August 3, 2014
- 86. Redefining Fraternity. At What Cost? August 11, 2014
- 87. The Marian Message of Pope Francis to Korea August 22, 2014
- 88. Is Scripture True Only in a “Limited” Way? The Truth of the Bible According to the Pontifical Biblical Commission August 28, 2014
- 89. Is Unity Like a Sphere or a Polyhedron? September 18, 2014
- 90. Church Planting in Rome? September 29, 2014
- 91. Ecumenism in All Directions. Pope Francis and the Unity of the Church October 8, 2014
- 92. Paul VI, A Beatus to Reassure the Perplexed Conservatives October 24, 2014
- 93. Who Are We to Judge? The Synod on the New Forms of the Family October 31, 2014
- 94. A New Era Between Catholics and Evangelicals? November 7, 2014
- 95. Roman Catholic Theology and Practice by Gregg Allison. A Review November 19, 2014
- 96. The “Catholic” Month of Pope Francis November 30, 2014
- 97. Turkey, Gateway To Inter-religious Dialogue and Ecumenism December 12, 2014
- 98. John Calvin and the Papacy December 31, 2014
- 99. The Fifteen Sicknesses of the Roman Curia Except One January 14, 2015
- 100. The Idols of Rome January 31, 2015
- 101. Holy Mother of God! Three Times! February 12, 2015
- 102. Still “our Holy Mother the Hierarchical Church” February 28, 2015
- A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Papacy March 2, 2015
- 103. Evangelicals and Catholics Together (1994-2015) March 9, 2015
- 104. Two Years with Pope Francis. An Interview March 20, 2015
- 105. Conservative? Liberal? Radical? Who is Francis? March 31, 2015
- 106. Should Evangelicals Love Pope Francis? April 13, 2015
- 107. Preaching According to a Vatican Handbook May 1, 2015
- 108. Martin Luther and the Papacy May 11, 2015
- 109. Jubilee of Mercy (and Indulgences) June 1, 2015
- A Christian Pocket Guide to the Papacy. A Book Review by Chris Castaldo June 20, 2015
- 110. A “Green” Pope? July 1, 2015
- 111. We Are Not Puritans, Are We? August 1, 2015
- Video Resources on Roman Catholicism in Evangelical Perspective August 11, 2015
- 112. Peter, the Rock and the Keys: Does Matthew 16 Support the Doctrine of the Papacy? September 1, 2015
- 113. What Do You Think About Pope Francis? September 24, 2015
- 114. Is the Pope the Anti-Christ? October 2, 2015
- Webinar with Leonardo De Chirico: The Theological Vision of Pope Francis November 2, 2015
- 115. Rome, the Pope and Gospel Work in Italy. 10 Questions With Leonardo De Chirico November 18, 2015
- The Gospel in Italy. An Interview on The Gospel Coalition website November 25, 2015
- 116. After the Synod on the Family, What? December 1, 2015
- 117. Talking With Catholics about the Gospel. A Book Review December 16, 2015
- 118. Salvation Belongs to the Lord. Evangelical Consensus in Dialogue with Roman Catholicism December 31, 2015
- Aggiornamento or What Happened at Vatican II (1962-1965)? A Webinar with Leonardo De Chirico January 8, 2016
- 119. Unity … on Which Foundation? February 1, 2016
- 120. An Atonement-Free Mercy? March 1, 2016
- 121. Karl Barth and Vatican II March 8, 2016
- 122. Cooperating with the Roman Catholic Church? A Lesson from Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984) April 1, 2016
- 123. The Blurring of Time Distinctions in Roman Catholicism April 18, 2016
- 124. Evangelicals and Catholics: A New Era? April 30, 2016
- 125. What Happened to Justification by Faith? June 1, 2016
- 126. What Does It Mean to be Catholic? A Book Review June 30, 2016
- 127. Is the Ecumenical Martin Luther the Real Luther? July 31, 2016
- 128. How Does the Catholic Church Rejuvenate? August 31, 2016
- 129. Roman Catholic Theology after Vatican II: An Interview October 1, 2016
- Is the Reformation Over? A Statement of Evangelical Convictions October 24, 2016
- 130. Progressive, Conservative or Roman Catholic? On the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger November 1, 2016
- 131. After Lund, What Remains of the Protestant Reformation? November 9, 2016
- Is the Reformation Over? A Webinar with Leonardo De Chirico (24 Nov 2016) November 11, 2016
- 131. Is Pope Francis Making the Catholic Church Protestant? December 1, 2016
- 132. “The Only Creature Without Sin” – Pope Francis on the Immaculate Conception of Mary January 1, 2017
- 133. What Kind of “Reformation” Does Pope Francis Have in Mind? February 1, 2017
- 134. The “Uncertain Teaching” of Pope Francis March 1, 2017
- 135. The Decentralization of Catholic Bioethics in the Time of Francis April 1, 2017
- 136. The Gospel of Solidarity: The Future of Roman Catholic Mission? April 12, 2017
- 137. Sanctuaries As Places of Evangelization. Are They Really? May 1, 2017
- The Need for Clarification: Is the Reformation Over? May 17, 2017
- 138. Marian Prayers As Shapers of Roman Catholic Theology and Practice June 1, 2017
- 139. Would You Ever Ask Muslims to Pray for You? Pope Francis Did July 1, 2017
- 140. Is the Roman Catholic Church Now Committed to “Grace Alone”? August 1, 2017
- 141. “Greater Oneness in Christ”: What Does it Mean? September 1, 2017
- New book on Mary! September 20, 2017
- 142. “The Clay of Paganism with the Iron of Christianity”: Cornelius Van Til’s Critique of Roman Catholicism October 1, 2017
- 143. Where Does Pope Francis Stand on the Doctrine of Justification? November 1, 2017
- 144. What Happens If Catholics Think the Pope Is a Heretic? December 1, 2017
- 145. Mission. Did Pope Francis say Mission? January 1, 2018
- 146. Why Are Younger Evangelicals Fascinated by Roman Catholicism? February 1, 2018
- 147. Does Mariology Imply A Diminished Role for Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? March 1, 2018
- 148. The Intellectual Journey of J.M. Bergoglio, Now Pope Francis April 1, 2018
- 149. Do Atheists Go to Heaven? Pope Francis Says Yes May 1, 2018
- 150. Pope Francis’ Re-Interpretation and Actualization Of Gnosticism and Pelagianism: A Plausible Suggestion? June 1, 2018
- 151. Eucharistic Hospitality? Between a Catholic “Yes” and a Roman “No” July 1, 2018
- 152. “Either Ecumenical or Proselytizer”? No, There is a Better Option August 1, 2018
- 153. A Few Remarks on the Evangelical Fascination with the “Sacramental Tapestry” — A Book Review of Hans Boersma’s Two Volumes on the Topic September 1, 2018
- 154. The Loss of Credibility of the Roman Catholic Church and the Theological Issues at Stake October 1, 2018
- 155. Roman but Not Catholic: A Book Review November 1, 2018
- 156. She is My Mamá – Pope Francis and Mary December 1, 2018
- 157. What is at Stake with Roman Catholic Mariology? January 1, 2019
- 158. The Annus Horribilis (Terrible Year) of the Roman Catholic Church February 1, 2019
- 159. “Confusion” and “Failure”: Other Roman Catholic Blows Against Pope Francis March 1, 2019
- 160. Is the Nicene Faith the Basis for Ecumenism? April 1, 2019
- 161. Are there two Popes of the Roman Catholic Church? April 19, 2019
- 162. Deciphering Vatican II: A New Book Especially Helpful for Evangelicals May 1, 2019
- 163. Five Principles for Interpreting the Church Fathers June 1, 2019
- 164. From the Mary of the Bible to the Mary of Manifold Devotions July 1, 2019
- 165. What is the Essence of Roman Catholicism? August 1, 2019
- 166. Pope Francis Fears for the Planet, But Where Is the Gospel? September 1, 2019
- 167. Why Do They Cross the Tiber? Stories of Evangelical Conversions to Rome September 15, 2019
- 168. Contested Catholicity: In What Sense Is the Church Catholic? October 1, 2019
- 169.“Baptized and Sent”: Is This the Biblical Mission? November 1, 2019
- 170. Totus Christus (The Whole Christ) or Solus Christus (Christ Alone)? On The Damages of Augustine’s Formula and the Correction of the Protestant Reformation December 1, 2019
- 171. The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI: Looking for a Deeper Protestant Evaluation January 1, 2020
- 172. Can the Roman Catholic Church survive two Popes? — one Catholic and one Roman February 1, 2020
- 173. Querida Amazonia: A Reinforcement of Pope Francis’ Missiology March 1, 2020
- 174. Rosary, Indulgences and Humanism. How is Italian Roman Catholicism facing the Coronavirus Crisis? March 23, 2020
- 175. Why Evangelicals Must Engage Roman Catholicism May 1, 2020
- 176. “Totus tuus” (to Mary). The Unsettled Legacy of John Paul II One Hundred Years since His Birth June 1, 2020
- 177. Inter-Faith Prayers for the Pandemic to Cease? What Is at Stake is Bigger Than What You Think July 1, 2020
- 178. Why J.I. Packer Signed “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” (1994) (and Why He Was Inconsistent) August 1, 2020
- 179. After 150 Years of Papal Infallibility, What? September 1, 2020
- 180. “Season of Creation”: The New Ecological-Ecumenical Agenda? October 1, 2020
- 181. “All Brothers”: The Unbearable Cost of Roman Catholic Universalism November 1, 2020
- 182. The Dogma of the Bodily Assumption of Mary, 70 Years After December 1, 2020
- 183. Defining Roman Catholicism: An Evangelical Attempt January 1, 2021
- 184. Pope Francis, the Chaplain of the United Nations? February 1, 2021
- 185. Fides et Ratio (1998): Three Theses on the Roman Catholic Synthesis Between Faith and Reason March 1, 2021
- 186. Children of Abraham? Pope Francis’ Equivocation April 1, 2021
- 187. Hans Küng (1928-2021), perhaps very little “Roman” but certainly very much “Catholic” April 9, 2021
- 188. “When halfway through the journey of our life”. Dante Between the Bible and Medieval Roman Catholicism May 1, 2021
- 189. A Biography of Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae. Is It Also A Radiography of Roman Catholicism? June 1, 2021
- 190. Imagining Roman Catholic Theology Today and Tomorrow: Alarmed Diagnosis, Reserved Prognosis July 1, 2021
- 191. John Stott (1921-2011) and His Contribution to an Evangelical Analysis of Roman Catholicism August 1, 2021
- 192. Who Will be the Next Pope? September 1, 2021
- 193. The Church is Burning, What Can Be Done? On Andrea Riccardi’s Insights on the Crisis of Present-Day Roman Catholicism October 1, 2021
- 194. Christ Unfurled or the Roman Catholic Christ-Church Interconnection. Evangelical Remarks on David Meconi’s latest book November 1, 2021
- 195. The Latest Evangelical Convert to Rome. What Does Rome Have to Offer? December 1, 2021
- 196. Roman Catholicism as a “Temptation” for Evangelical Theology January 1, 2022
- 198. The (Not So) Puzzling Theology of Pope Francis February 1, 2022
- 199. Eating God? A History of the Eucharist and a Glimpse of Roman Catholicism March 1, 2022
- 200. Who is Afraid of “Liquid” Roman Catholicism? April 1, 2022
- 201. “Gratia Supponit Naturam”? A Historical Sketch of the Nature-Grace Interdependence (Part I) May 1, 2022
- 202. “Grace as the Heart’s Desire” A Historical Sketch of the Nature-Grace Interdependence (Part II) June 1, 2022
- 203. “Praedicate Evangelium” – Envisioning the Roman Catholic Church of the Future July 1, 2022
- 204. Nature and Grace in the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger – A Historical Sketch of the Nature-Grace Interdependence (III) August 1, 2022
- 205. One Roman (Vatican) Stop After a Catholic (German) Push September 1, 2022
- 206. New Cardinals for the Future Conclave October 1, 2022
- 207. “Go to Thomas!” Who Will Follow the Pope’s Invitation? November 1, 2022
- 208. The End of the Tridentine Paradigm (or Where Is the Roman Catholic Church Going)? December 1, 2022
- 209. “God has many ways to save.” Cardinal Cantalamessa and Roman Catholic Universalism January 1, 2023
- 210. Four Tips for Communicating the Gospel to Roman Catholics February 1, 2023
- 211. The Spiritual Testament of Benedict XVI. Against the Protestant sola fide March 1, 2023
- 213. Why More Ecumenism? Ask Cardinal Kurt Koch April 1, 2023
- 220. “The next Pope will be John XXIV.” Will he? October 1, 2023
- 221. Should Evangelicals Pray with Roman Catholics? November 1, 2023
- 222. From “Metaphysical” to “Popular”: A Window on the Roman Catholic Theology of the Future? December 1, 2023
- 223. The Icing on the Cake of Pope Francis: the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions December 20, 2023
- 224. Why Zygmunt Bauman saw “the light at the end of the tunnel” in Pope Francis January 1, 2024
- 225. What is at Stake with the Roman Catholic View of the Church? Ask Professor Henri Blocher February 1, 2024
- 226. If the Pope thinks that Rome is a “mission field.” March 1, 2024
- 227. Thomas Aquinas, a test case for evangelical discernment April 1, 2024
- 228. The Filioque and Christian Unity May 1, 2024
- 229. Thomas Aquinas, Man of Dialogue? June 1, 2024
- 230. What is at Stake with the Roman Catholic View of the Sacraments? Ask Professor Henri Blocher July 1, 2024
- 231. Why Does the Roman Catholic Church Have Seven Sacraments? A Thomist answer and a preliminary evangelical critique August 1, 2024
- 232. The Future of the Catholic Church? A Symposium Held by First Things September 1, 2024
- 233. The Biblical Jubilee and the Roman Catholic Holy Year: Twins or Strangers? October 1, 2024
- 234. Applying Dan Strange’s Magnetic Points to Conversations with Roman Catholics November 1, 2024
- 235. More than the heart of Jesus, the heart of Roman Catholicism. On the latest encyclical of Pope Francis December 1, 2024
- 236. A Primer on Roman Catholic Apologetics Targeting Evangelicals January 1, 2025
- 237. Conclave: The Movie that Takes Francis’s Papacy to Excruciating Consequences February 1, 2025